Kula Herbs
Kula Herbs was started by Martha and Tim in Kula in 1996 focusing on all natural cold process soap. As such Kula Herbs is the longest established, fully developed and made on Maui soap maker on the Island.
Following 18 years of development, Kula Herbs is proud today to be the only local soap maker offering an all natural product, which is hand made and then hand-wrapped in hand made paper. Made without preservatives, the cold process soap in non-allergenic and is not impaired by the addition of man-made colorants and other fillers. All ingredients are all natural and sourced locally wherever possible.
The cold process soap is made in 2 sizes: a Guest size (1oz) and Bath size (4oz). Made available in 38 fragrances covering all the fragrances of Hawaii. The bars are available separately or in an acetate packs. Guest (1oz) comes in both a 5 pack and a 3 pack and Bath (4oz) is available in a 3 pack. This makes a very attractive package.
All production of the Kula Herbs product is currently made in the Wailuku facility and a good inventory of each fragrance and size is maintained at all times. Orders are typically pulled and made ready for shipment within 1-2 business days.
Organic soap. Handcrafted on Maui. Wrapped in handmade mulberry paper. Each, a work of art. Support local. Buy local. Maui nō ka 'oi

Kula Herbs is a Maui based mfr of artisinal soap, lotions, butters, creme's and oils. Handmade on Maui, all product is natural or organic.